Kamis, 28 Juni 2018




Orvium is the first open source and decentralized framework for managing scholarly publications’ life cycles and the associated data.


Decentralized Model
Orvium unlocks the full potential of a decentralized, fair, transparent and competitive market free of biases, oligopolies and private interests.
Zero-delay Publication
Scientific work is available from the moment it is submitted. Orvium establishes an independent, decentralized and immutable time-stamped proof of existence, authorship and ownership.
Full lifecycle traceability
Keeps in the blockchain a public trace of all the activity: submission, revisions, accepted and rejected peer reviews, copyright and user license changes, etc.
Authors select license and own copyright
Orvium is agnostic about licensing models by design. The model is always author’s decision.
Research Data and Process
Orvium empowers scientists to share the complete study by making available research data, code, etc. This increase scientific validation.
Big Data Analytics and Machine Learning
Orvium integrates Big Data Analytics with the blockchain. This unlocks valuable insights to improve scientific production.
Decentralized Journals
Decentralized journals offer a low maintenance, highly flexible, cost effective and completely autonomous way to handle and categorize scientific literature while offering a further line of business for authors and editors.
Collaborative Environment
Orvium provides a collaborative framework for any single process related to the manuscript life cycl
Incorporate Society to Science Evolution
Orvium opens the definition of journals, the creation of challenges to increase scientific validation and the promotion of patronage campaigns to the general public.


Every transaction (e.g., submissions of manuscripts, revisions, publications, peer reviews, oracle actions, patronage results etc.) is stored the blockchain and accessible to anyone
Decentralized Storage
Unlock a public, globally accessible, fully traceable and trustworthy record of the publication process at a minimal cost
Open Source Framework
Orvium’s source code will be published under an open source license and driven by the community.


Efficient and Unbiased Business Model
ORV establishes a transparent, comprehensive and competitive business model to support global research.
Recognition and Reward
ORV enables a fair cost distribution model to authors, ensuring reward and recognition for all participants
Cost Effective Journals
ORV empowers journals to become viable and sustainable at a low cost
Continuous Evolution
ORV ensures a continued evolution of the platform while supporting global research.


Manuscript Submission
At submission time manuscripts are available to the whole community and authors can stake a number of ORV tokens which can be claimed by reviewers.
Scientific Review
Reviewers can submit reviews to any manuscript at any time. Through proper analysis and public exposure of the results, Orvium allows both public recognition of reviewers’ work and a reward in the form of Orvium tokens.
Copyright and License
Orvium empowers authors fully control over the licensing and copyrights. If a paid licensing model is chosen, journals and/or readers pay ORV tokens for accessing the content.


Smart Contract Based Journals
Journals are managed as decentralized autonomous organizations by smart contracts. Those are defined transparently by contributors, who stake ORV token and receive specific Journal Tokens.
Open and Transparent Management
The management rules are publicly available. Journal tokens empower contributors with decision capabilities using different voting and participation schemas.
Benefits are Shared Among Contributors
Contributors receive the revenues generated based on their contribution and the rules defined in the smart contract. The operational costs associated whith reviews, copyright agreements and Orvium Licenses are cover by the stake of the owners.


Manuel Martin
Antonio Romero
Roberto Rabasco
Scientific Advisors
Ph.D. Alberto Di Meglio
Tom Soderstrom
Ph.D. Chris Mattmann
Ph.D. Miguel Angel Pesquera
Ph.D Nico Orce
Ph.D. Jesús Villadangos
Business Strategy Advisors
Bernd Lapp
Nicolai Oster
Ph.D. Christopher Tucci
Franco Amalfi
Davide Gallo
Ruben Garcia
Marek Herm
Jose Carlos Luna Duran
Marc Magrans de Abril
Ignacio Coterillo
Ph.D. Hector Valverde
Jose Andres Cordero
Ph.D. Raul Murillo Garcia
Carlos Ghabrous Larrea
Alejandro Iribarren


The following milestones give details about the development of the Orvium project in order to become the leading publication platform for the research community while returning the benefits of science to the society.
2017 Q1 to 2018 Q1
  • Idea conception and development
  • White paper creation
  • Incorporate company and legal framework definition
  • Stablish collaboration frameworks for partners
  • Functional prototype (Web interface, API, smart contracts)
  • Marketing campaign
  • Creation and public audit of token sale smart contracts
Red Giant
2018 Q2 to Q3
  • Token sale
  • Talent finding and recruitment
  • Platform: User identification, Paper submission, Peer review
2018 Q4 to 2019 Q1
  • Platform first public release
  • Bug bounty program
  • Decentralized journals management
  • Licenses and Copyrights Management
  • Develop research institution collaboration program
  • Develop grant R&D program
White Dwarf
2019 Q2 to Q3
  • Patronage
  • Funding campaigns
  • Establish agreements with universities and research organizations to incentivize the Orvium publication model
  • Launch grant R&D program
Neutron Star
2019 Q4
  • Integrate big data analytics
  • Release first fully functional Orvium platform
  • Patronage of research lines in collaboration with institutions
2020 Q1
  • Launch Orvium 1.0
  • Fine tune the operational efficiency
  • Adiabatic and continuous integration of the R&D results to the Orvium platform
  • Market capture and expansion of the business model
  • Enhance collaboration programmes and frameworks
Username on Bitcointalk.org: Amandiaz76

ETH address 

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